Melton Pubs 06/10/2018 20:00 - 23:00 Address: 1 Wilton Rd, Melton Mowbray LE13 0UJ, UK The Black Swan: Disco 2020 The Half Moon: Tiny Tony and Karaoke The Noels Arms: Closed until Friday 26th of October [{"latlong":["52.76617599999999"," -0.8899433000000272"],"location":"1 Wilton Rd, Melton Mowbray LE13 0UJ, UK","zoom":"16","infow":"1 Wilton Rd, Melton Mowbray LE13 0UJ, UK<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t\t 06\/10\/2018 <\/span> 20:00 - 23:00 <\/span>\n\t\t <\/div>","google_map_url":"https:\/\/\/maps\/place\/1+Wilton+Rd%2C+Melton+Mowbray+LE13+0UJ%2C+UK\/@52.76617599999999, -0.8899433000000272"}]